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The Rainbow Bridge

...Grieve not,
nor speak of me with tears,
but laugh and talk of me
as if I were beside you...
I loved you so -
'twas heaven here with you.
                                              -Isla Paschal Richardson

Welcome to the Rainbow Bridge, a place to remember our beloved pets.  Each one of our pets leaves that empty spot that fills slowly with memories.   If you would like to post a rememberance, please send your text and/or photo to admin@petrescuebyjudy.com.   To make a donation in your pet's name, please use our paypal account or mail it directly to us at our Sanford address .  And please accept our deepest sympathies.....
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Popcorn was a beautiful chocolate Cocker Spaniel who was turned over to Pet Rescue By Judy with his sister, Poppit. They had been given as gifts to a woman by her daughter. She was at a point in her life where she didn't really want the challenges of puppies, and so asked Judy to find them homes. While fostering the pair, I came to enjoy their special qualities. Popcorn was much more sure of himself, always the first out the door to see what was going on. Poppit, on the other hand, tended to hold back a bit and take her queues from her brother. Because of this, it was our hope that they would find a home together. And so they did. Paul and Susan came down from the Jacksonville area to get these precious angels and bring them home to their family, two 15 year old retrievers. It was a very happy day for us all. Imagine our shock when we learned that Popcorn had become ill during the night and was rushed to the emergency room. After testing he was diagnosed with parvo, a sudden and usually fatal illness. Paul and Susan were not willing to give up on the fellow so easily and pursued treatment for him but sadly the baby was just too weak. The Pet Rescue By Judy family share their sorrow and are grateful to them for caring for him and loving on Poppit.

Precious the Dancing Dachshund
My daughter adopted Precious, a miniature daschund, when her step-dad and I had only been married 2 years. She quickly became the family's dog. She was a bit of a flibberty-gibbet, not watching where she was running and bouncing off various surfaces, standing up, shaking her head and would be off again. She would steal onions from the trash and pickles if she could get to them because she loved them...but they didn't love her. She was at the vet, several times, for digestive problems caused by stealing people food. When my daughter made the trip to be with me after my bilateral knee replacement in 2004, Precious came with her and acted as if she knew that "Granny" wasn't feeling well. For the first time, she slept with someone else other than my daughter. She developed arthritis at age 12 and my daughter's significant other built a carpeted ramp so that she could get into the bed by herself. She had her good days and her bad, but was still her feisty self. Just this past year, she developed heart problems and the vet told my daughter she was not doing her any favors by keeping our sweet girl alive. At age 17, she crossed the Rainbow Bridge and left a large family of humans mourning her passing. Precious had a favorite song...she would prance around when she heard the strains of "Dixie" being played by the HS band that practiced nearby. My daughter recently adopted an American Staffordshire Terrier. In honor of Precious, her name is Dixie. Robin Westbrook

Pumba the Precious Piggy
We adopted Pumba from your great organization in October 2012. Sadly we had to say good-bye to him this past Monday (jaw and throat cancer). He was a lovely creature and fit right away with our family ( a 10-year daughter, 2 female rescued bull mastiffs, one rescue cat, and the husband - yes, the last item on the totem poll ;-) ). We are so happy he came into our lives and thank you for rescuing him and giving us a chance to know him. The Vergopia Family

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